Tuesday, March 7, 2017

IoT Security

There are a number of good articles on this topic.  For example, Tech Crunch posted an article on "Why IoT Security Is So Critical".   "With the advent of IPv6 and the wide deployment of Wi-Fi networks, IoT is growing at a dangerously fast pace, and researchers estimate that by 2020, the number of active wireless connected devices will exceed 40 billion."

There is also the IoT Security Foundation, with links on news and encryption.  From there, there is a link to the 2016 IoT Security Foundation Conference. It includes videos on “Why is IoT Security so Hard and What Can We Do About It? and “Protecting the Connected Car". Great videos for those interested in this topic.

If you are working in this area, or just interested in IoT security in general, check out these links.

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