Thursday, March 2, 2017

Music Licensing

A few of you are looking at music streaming, but some are looking into who is making money in this business.  I found this link on Public Knowledge (PK).  Their mission is to promote freedom of expression, an open internet, and access to affordable communications tools and creative works. They work to shape policy on behalf of the public interest.  PK works at the intersection of copyright, telecommunications, and Internet law, at a time when these fields are converging. PK's experience in all three areas puts it in an ideal position to advocate for policies that serve the public interest. They have a number of focus issues, including broadband privacy, net neutrality, copyright reform, and music licensing (to name but a few).

What's interesting about music licensing, is that you really can't listen to music streaming on most devices without it, but it is in dire need of improvement.  Briefly,
The complexity of music licensing is one of the main impediments to an optimal licensing system, both for compositions and for sound recordings. Another impediment is the impact of consolidation of big corporate rightsholders on the development of new platforms that give more options for independent artists and music fans alike.
PK believes the music distribution system should serve musicians and listeners. 
  • Every company in the middle--from record labels to online services--exists to serve those two groups.
  • The music licensing system should encourage a competitive, innovative market of new services that are accountable to music fans and musicians. 
  • The largest content owners (major labels and publishers) should not take advantage of the current music licensing system to stifle competition and entrench their own gatekeeper positions.
Thus, PK is working for a fairer music marketplace where:
  • artists can get their music on the market and receive a fair price for it,
  • users can experience the music they want how they want, and
  • new services can innovate without being beholden to gatekeepers.
There are some great links on this site.   To learn more check out the following:
What has been your experience with music licensing?  Any comments?

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